

1) Atsushi Ohsawa (2012) Comparison of charge neutralisation of conductors and insulators with corona ionisers, The 2012 Elctrostatics Joint Conference. Proc. 2012 Electrostatics Joint Conference, pp.38-1-15.
2) Atsushi Ohsawa, Norimitsu Ichikawa (2012) ESD detection by transient earth voltage, The 7th International Conference on Applied Electrostatics, ICAES-4-040-pp.1-6.
3) Chiharu Mikuni, Satoshi Tamate, Tomohito Hori, Naoaki Suemasa(2012)Centrifuge Model Tests on Sesmic Slope Failure.Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake-Induced Landslides, Springer, pp.501-510.
4) Hiroki Takahashi, Katsutoshi Ohdo, Seiji Takanashi (2012) Analytical Study on Strength of Prefabricated Scaffolds subjected to eccentric load, 10th International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP2012), DVD.
5) Hiroki Takahashi, Katsutoshi Ohdo, Seiji Takanashi (2012) Experimental Study on Buckling of the Vertical Frame of Scaffolds Subjected to Eccentric Load, The First Australasia and South-East Asia Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ASEA-SEC-1), pp.651-655.
6) Katsutoshi Ohdo, Tetsuo Hojo (2012) Investigation on fall accidents and measure for decrease fall risk from scaffolds in Japan, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP2012), CD-ROM, Bilbao, Spain.
7) Katsutoshi Ohdo, Yasumichi Hino, Hiroki Takahashi (2012) Study on Safety Assembling and Dismantling Method for System Scaffolds Using Safety Harness, The First Australasia and South-East Asia Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ASEA-SEC-1), Research, Development and Practice in Structural Engineering and Construction, pp.1059-1063.
8) Kazuma Ishimatsu, Nobuyuki Shibata, Setsuo Maeda (2012) Visual input reduces the perceived discomfort of whole-body vibration during simulated driving, Proceedings of 20th Japan Conference on Human Response to Vibration, pp.1-6.
9) Kwangseok Choi, Tomofumi Mogami, Teruo Suzuki, Sung Chul Kim, Mizuki Yamaguma (2012) Charge reduction on polypropylene granules and suppression of incendiary electrostatic discharges by using a novel AC electrostatic ionizer. Proc. of the 5th Asian Particle Technology Symposium, USB, pp.179-187.
10) Kwangseok Choi, Sungchul Kim, Jaehee Chung(2012) Experimental Study on Electrostatic Field of Polymer Powders in Freeboard Region of Fluidized Bed Reactor, 2012 International conference on advances in materials science and engineering (AMSE2012) , p.15.
11) Nobuyuki Shibata (2012) Effect of phase between the two components on dynamic response of seated subjects exposed to dual axis whole-body vibration, Proceedings of 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, in CD-ROM.
12) Teiji Kitajima, Tetsuo Fuchino, Yukiyasu Shimada, Yuanjin Ling (2012) Use Case Driven Development of a Risk Management Tool with Business Process Model for Chemical Plants. Proceedings of European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering -22, Part.B, pp.912-916.
13) Tetsuo Hojo, Katsutoshi Ohdo (2012) Risk Assessment in Construction Industry. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP2012), CD-ROM, Bilbao, Spain.
14) Yasumichi Hino (2012) New prevention methods for falling accidents due to disaster repair works at building construction site, X International Congress on Labor Risk and Prevention (CD-ROM).
15) 高橋弘樹, 大幢勝利, 高梨成次(2012) 墜落防護工法に対応した建わくの座屈強度に関する実験的研究, 公益社団 法人土木学会, 安全問題討論会'12資料集, pp.105-110.
16) 大幢勝利, 日野泰道, 高梨成次, 高橋弘樹(2012) くさび緊結式足場の組立・解体時における安全帯取付方法の実験的検討, 公益社団法人土木学会, 安全問題討論会'12資料集, pp.97-104.
17) 高木元也(2013) 公共工事発注者の安全配慮に関する実態と課題, 公益社団法人土木学会,安全問題討論会'12資料集, pp.139-146.
18) 大幢勝利, 高梨成次, 高橋弘樹(2012) 橋梁維持管理に使用するFRP検査路の手すり耐力に関する基礎的研究, 公益社団法人日本材料学会, 信頼性シンポジウム資料集, pp.145-148.
19) 島崎敢, 片山恵美子, 中村愛, 高橋明子, 石田敏郎(2012) 一時停止行動の事後判定と評価による停止率の改善, 公益社団法人自動車技術会, 自動車技術会2012年秋季大会学術講演会前刷集, No.85-12.

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